Its not that its an extremely outstanding movie. The plot is average and the bee does not even encompass the cute factor. I guess I enjoy this movie because of the perfect communist picture it painted. (karl marx would have so given this movie 2thumbs up!)
Its perhaps unfortunate that the concept of Communism has always had this negative connotation attached to it. China, Russia (USSR) or North Korea. So far, these countries have had one thing in common, making striking impressions in the media and in history. (e.g. the unprecedented nuclear 'testing'). This movie, was a whole new league on its own!
Its really funny how the whole utopia thing actually works out. My favourite scene was when the bees graduated (they graduate like thousands of bees every 15mins btw) and are sent straight to orientation around the Hornex (the honey factory).
So they are in this tram-like thing that floats on honey (imagine night safari) and they are given a tour around Hornex. The tour guide, I tell you, is hilarious.
She says stuff like: 'We know that as a bee, you have worked your whole life to the point where you will want to work for your whole life!' or
when the protaganist asks, 'So you will just work us to death?'
she answers, 'We'll sure try!' in this super enthusiastic tone with a wink, which sends the whole group clapping and cheering.
And. they can only pick one job that will last them for the rest of their lives. And guess what? Aren't they pleased! cos' like this, they won't have to make so many decisions!
Its really funny when you think about how this might just apply to our real lives if Karl Marx had his way with the world. Everyone doing our own little thing, I dunno, sewing Mao type of suits in only one colour. Haha. Imagine our work place if we produce, I dunno. Soya Bean milk:
And we have a person crushing soya beans, another mixing and stirring crushed soya beans, another adding milk, I dunno. And they tell us stuff like, 'Aren't we the most perfectly functioning society on the planet?' haha. cos we can churn out soya bean milk by the loads.
Well, i thought I'd pen this down since I have already watched this show 6x. Must give it some credit. haha.