Wednesday, 30 September 2009

This moment of frus.wo.cite. milkshakes

(Divya read this and felt the first 3 paragraphs gave people the impression I was suffering from depression. I don't quite understand why my thought process is alluded to depressed thoughts.

Well, I'm not. hahaha. Enjoy this.. i quite enjoyed writing this.)

Written on 29th September, in H1 Mathematics class.
An accumulative thought process to escape the boredom of numbers and graphs:

You know those times when you are in a moment, a situation, and you know that in a while, it will all be over. Then, you would enjoy that period of ultimate bliss and enjoyment.

It is like taking a walk home, and you dread the journey... You know the comfort you will get to enjoy once you are home. You know how it feels like to be at the destination, so you simply want to achieve it.

Yet, at the present moment, right now, the journey is the obstacle, and quite literally, the journey itselfor you to achieve that aim. Therefore, at this moment, it becomes an irritant to you, because this moment is what stops you from achieving your aim.

Therefore, this moment before my A levels, this 2 months rather, is this accumulation of frustration, worrying and yet, excitement. Hence, I present to you the Frus.Wo.Cite. milkshake.

This is strangely ironical given my latest liquid consumption comes in the form of milkshakes, except they are just banana milkshakes, no sugar added, just a simple blend of one banana and one cup of milk. Capable mixture by any age above 4, as long as one has a blender.

This formation of this drink is often a convenient measure, given HL milk and bananas are of constant supply in my home.

I guess, when life gives you bananas and milk, make a banana milkshake.

We deal with it, because we have to, there is no other alternative. The moment is to be endured therefore, whether the individual desires or not. So I conclude, that life is as such, a dealing with the moment, the drink of the frus.wo.cite. milkshake, because at the end...

Just perhaps, we may find the reward most... er. rewarding. haha. :)
