Wednesday, 17 October 2007

The Present

The Present
There will come a time when you will
welcome a past self with open arms,
through the memories you have
so carefully collected,
as you have done many times before.
You will see yourself as you
were when you read this,
and you will embrace the fact that
this was part of your life,
irreplaceable by a vacuum.

And you shall rejoice in the knowledge
that this has been deep waters you have crossed.
You will relive the events of your life
like pages in a book,
and you will recognise graduation as an epilogue.
BEcause the summation of cherished
memories eclipes the
monotonous routine and troubles
you find being thrown at you,
and because this is how an epilogue should be,
si as to greet new prologues.

Between that which runs from before,
to what stretches out eternally,
there is the present and there is now.
The present is where and when we live
and the present is all time can offer
to us when we require
strength, wisdom and inspiration.
Embrace ethe present in whatever
years you have to come.
~ Ernest Chen
